I've recently finished another Django project that was designed to simulate the idea of reddit. Basically, it involved the option to sign up and become a user and then be allowed to post links to external sites that can be voted on. The links with the most votes go to the top of the page.
Thanks to Django's internal user class the creation of most of the models wasn't too difficult. However, with that being said the actual functions are very basic. E.g you simply need a username that can be anything and a password that can also be anything. So, there weren't any restrictions placed such as "password strength" or the requirement to provide a valid email address.
I wanted to make this project look different from my blog project so I played around with Bootstrap a bit more to create a green colour theme. I also added a background image. The learning experience to take away from that is that you may need to reload your server in order to see the actual background change. Also, in order to use Glyphicons just remember to include the required link in the html head.
I decided to send this project live also and have created a link to it in the blog.