Started some Java coding. Going reasonably well so far. After some time getting acquainted withe the syntax, the general ideas are the same as Python's. I suppose that shouldn't be too shocking as both are C-based, Object Oriented languages, but the familiarity was still a welcome surprise.
The one nice thing about the recent work is the chance to work on building out a GUI (Graphic User Interface), which I hadn't really done much before using only the back-end. It's kind of fun, some of which comes as a result of trying to figure out how to hack the semi-ridiculous layout managers.
Basically, jamming a FlowLayout into a BorderLayout section such as PAGE_START, which is itself jammed into a different BorderLayout CENTER section...horrific stuff if it's your first time, but fun.
I don't anticipate to be coding with Java for any long stretch of time, but a few months of it should only be a benefit. Also, I'll often revisit some HackerRank questions to stay in touch with Python.